Cancer takes too many of our loved ones. But there are things we can do that will keep ourselves and our loved ones from being at higher risk. Richland County and surrounding areas have many strengths that we rely on for cancer survivors. We can also draw on these strengths to help ourselves and our families create a stronger community for cancer prevention, including availability of healthier food choices, promotion of the many places to be active, smoking cessation programs, support groups for mental health and coalitions working to improve child health and prevent substance abuse.
Dr. Johnathan Ebben of the University of Wisconsin Carbone Cancer Center provided us with some very informative information on colorectal cancer. The video can be viewed from this link:
Prevention & Risk Reduction
Ideas, Resouces and Tools to Reduce or Prevent Cancer

Skin Cancer Prevention
Skin Cancer Prevention
Greater Richland Area Cancer Elimination, Inc.
P.O. Box 213
Richland Center, WI 53581
“When the bad news is Cancer…The good news is G.R.A.C.E.”